Once a question raised
into my mind,
"What's the best feeling
in the world of all kinds?"
It had always
bothered me, until then;
that It could not, as I went out
to find the answer!
I roamed over the world,
from east to west;
until I found myself lost
in a deep dark forest!
Some named it disappointment,
and the others called it depression,
I was wandering there desperately,
just having myself, no destination!
As I was about to quit,
and as fear hugged me tight;
then, there I saw suddenly
a stroke of light!
I followed the thin ray of hope
and as I discovered its source,
it led me out of the forest,
and it was that best feeling,
I, so far have searched for.
I realised, after so many efforts,
my journey has came to an end.
I found myself, an answer!
Having a ray of hope in pitch black darkness
is after all, the best feeling ever!